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Recruitment and Retention in Dental Practices: Proven Strategies from Great Boss Academy

August 22, 20246 min read

Recruitment and retention in dental practices is more challenging than ever. With the pool of available candidates shrinking and the expectations of dental professionals evolving, it’s crucial for dental principals and practice managers to adopt effective strategies that attract and retain top talent. This guide, inspired by insights from the Great Boss Bootcamp, will walk you through proven steps to enhance your recruitment process and build a committed, harmonious team.

Showcase Your Culture and Values: The Foundation of Recruitment

When crafting a recruitment strategy, it’s vital to start by showcasing the unique culture and values of your dental practice. This is your opportunity to capture the essence of what makes your practice an attractive place to work. 

Why Culture Matters

The culture of your practice sets the tone for your team’s daily interactions and overall job satisfaction. Candidates today are not just looking for a job—they want to be part of a community where they feel valued and aligned with the practice’s mission. By highlighting your practice's culture and core values in your job adverts, you not only attract candidates with the right skills but also those who resonate with your vision.

Communicating Your Vision  

Equally important is communicating the long-term vision of your practice. When potential candidates understand the future they could help shape, they are more likely to see themselves as part of your journey. This approach not only attracts high-calibre professionals but also those who are committed to growing with your practice.

Crafting the Perfect Job Advert: Beyond the Basics

A job advert is often the first impression potential candidates will have of your dental practice. It’s essential to go beyond listing the required skills and job terms. Instead, focus on what makes your practice a unique and desirable place to work.

Showcase Your Culture First  

Lead with a vivid description of your practice’s culture and values. Let potential candidates envision themselves as part of your team, contributing to a positive and supportive environment. This not only sets the right expectations but also attracts individuals who are a cultural fit.

Include a Realistic Job Preview  

Consider including a video testimonial from a current team member to give candidates an authentic glimpse into day-to-day life at your practice. This can be a powerful tool to communicate the team atmosphere and the real-world challenges and rewards of the role.

Detail Competencies and Job Terms Last  

After capturing their interest with your culture and vision, outline the essential skills and job terms. By focusing first on cultural alignment, you attract candidates who are not only qualified but also genuinely excited about the opportunity to join your team.

Enhancing the Interview Process: Finding the Right Fit

The interview process is your chance to delve deeper into whether a candidate will be a good fit for your practice. It’s not just about skills—it’s about finding someone who can thrive within your team’s dynamics.

Ask Team-Oriented Questions  

Craft questions that reveal a candidate’s ability to work well with others. For example, ask them to describe a time when they had to collaborate to achieve a result. Their responses will give you insight into their teamwork skills and how they handle collaboration.

Observe Interactions with Your Team  

During the interview, pay close attention to the candidate’s interactions with various team members, especially those in roles that might not be as prominent. This will help you assess their social and professional integration skills, ensuring they can build positive relationships across the practice.

Include a Practical Interaction Task  

Incorporate a task that involves working with your team. This not only tests the candidate’s aptitude for the job but also their ability to interact effectively with others. It’s a practical way to see how they might fit into your team’s dynamics.

Bridging the Gap: The Interim Period

Once a candidate has accepted an offer, the period before their first day is crucial. This is the time to build a strong foundation of trust and alignment with your practice’s goals.

Foster Belonging and Safety  

Begin communicating with the new hire in a tone that reflects your practice’s values and culture. Consider inviting them to a social event with the team before their first day to help them feel welcome and start building relationships early.

Share Your Practice’s Purpose  

Send the new hire testimonials or reviews that connect with the practice's purpose, which you discussed during the interview. This helps reinforce their decision to join your team and aligns their expectations with your practice's goals.

Gauge Commitment Early  

Regular communication during this period allows you to gauge the new hire’s commitment. Make it clear that you’re available to assist in their transition, and be proactive in addressing any concerns they might have.

Making the First Day Memorable: Induction Strategies

The first day is crucial in setting the tone for the new hire’s experience at your practice. It’s your chance to make them feel like they belong and to affirm their choice to join your team.

Cultivate a Sense of Belonging  

Welcome the new hire with thoughtful touches like prepared documents, scrubs with their name on them, and a buddy they’ve already met. These small gestures can make a big difference in how they perceive their place in your practice.

Establish Key Relationships  

Ensure that the new hire meets everyone on their first day, but don’t stop there. Follow up with further introductions and opportunities for collaboration in the early days and weeks to help them integrate fully into the team.

Communicate the Significance of Their Role  

It’s important that new hires understand the impact of their work from day one. Arrange for them to meet with you, the practice leader, for coffee or lunch during the first week to discuss the significance of their role and how it ties into the larger mission of the practice.

Conclusion: Building a Resilient, Committed Team

Recruitment and retention in dental practices are about more than just filling positions—they’re about building a resilient, committed team that can thrive in the long term. By focusing on your practice’s culture, refining your recruitment process, and providing thoughtful onboarding, you can attract and retain the best talent in the industry.

Remember, the strategies outlined in this guide are not just about hiring—they’re about creating an environment where your team can grow, succeed, and stay committed to your practice’s vision. For more insights on dental practice management and leadership in dentistry, explore additional resources from the Great Boss Academy.

If you’re looking for more in-depth guidance, join our monthly Masterclass on Friday 30th August at 13:15, which will dive deeper into each of these strategies. 

Register here

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